Designed for bracing pipe against sway and seismic disturbance. Versatile design allows for attachment at any angle and the ability to be used in a lateral or longitudinal bracing configuration. The pipe attachment component of a sway brace system used in conjunction with a PHD Manufacturing structural attachment fitting and joined together with a bracing element form a complete sway brace assembly. Sway brace assemblies are intended to be installed in accordance with NFPA 13 and the manufacturer’s installation instructions.
Size: Pipe sizes 2” thru 8”. Can use 1” thru 2” SCH 40 pipe.
Material: Ductile iron and carbon steel, Grade 5 clamping bolts
Finish: Electro-galvanized
Approvals: Underwriters Laboratories listed for US and Canada and Factory Mutual approved. Listed for use with PHD sway brace components only.
Data Sheet and Installation: